The Knowledge Capture Certificate program is a part of a series of 3 independent certificates programs centered around the World Bank Organizational Knowledge Sharing (OKS) approach and tools.

Develop technical skills such as systematic identification of critical knowledge, innovations and lessons learned that merit scale-up and replication, consistent documentation of experiences and their validation, formatting and packaging


Knowledge Identification

• Knowledge audit and knowledge mapping
• Identification of Relevant Operational Experiences
• Addressing Knowledge Gaps within the Organization
Group work

Knowledge Capture

• Introduction to knowledge capture
• Capturing operational experiences and lessons learnt
• Formatting knowledge assets
Group work

Knowledge Validation

• Validation of knowledge assets
• Formatting of knowledge assets
• Storing Knowledgeassets
Group Presentations and Feedback

3 days interactive program

Knowledge Champions and Change Agents of Public and Private Organizations


June 16-18, 2022

USD 1,200
Development Practitioners: USD 800

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